Nexus Geographics will be in the XV Spanish Congress of Intelligent Transport Systems

Nexus Geographics will take part in the XV Spanish Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, to be held from the 14th to the 16th of April at the Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puentes in Madrid.
In order to become a meeting point between experts of the ITS sector, Intelligent Transport Systems, the congress has the participation of over 100 entities, including municipalities, universities and leading companies in the technology field. During the conference, there will be held several presentations on topics related to innovation, management and improvement of ITS such as mobility management, smart cities, the implementation of ITS in toll roads, road safety or information systems in public transport.
It is in this latter area, information systems on public transport, where Nexus Geografics participates actively offering a conference about the systems Mou-te and MyWay in conjunction with the Generalitat de Catalunya: Cristina Pou Fonolla, a member of the General Direction of Transport and Mobility, and Francesc Varela, co-owner and manager of the company Nexus Geografics, will explain how these two leading systems in the information systems of public transport work; the route finder that integrates all urban transport systems, Mou-te, implemented in Catalonia in 2010, and the MyWay system, an European project of R+D started in 2013 in Catalonia (Spain), Berlin (Germany) and Trikala (Greece) that combines different transport models.
Finally, you will find a link below where you can download the conference program and learn more about it: programa XV Congreso Español ITS.