Nexus Geographics has participated this week in the MyWay Sustainable Mobility’s day, the MoveSmart workshop and the Fair Municipalia

The company Nexus Geographics has been present on the MyWay Sustainable Mobility’s day, the MoveSmart workshop and the Fair Municipalia this week, from the 12th to the 18th October.
Under the Urban Mobility Week, on Friday 18, Rocío Sanchez and Francesc Varela were part of the MyWay Sustainable Mobility’s day, where the project MyWay was presented. The project involves the development of an application (app) that meets the mobility needs of citizens through a multimodal platform that integrates all public transport in Catalonia, as well as the private car, motorbike or bicycle. As Nexus Geographics has worked actively in this project, Francesc was commissioned to carry out the Technological challenges of MyWay paper.
In addition, yesterday, Thursday October 17, Francesc Varela was the speaker at the inaugural workshop MoveSmart, Renewable Mobility Services in Smart Cities: Challenges, Approaches and Social Aspects at the University of Deusto, Bilbao. Francesc was commissioned to make the presentation on MyWay: European Smart Mobility Resource Manager, where he talked about this European project of sustainable mobility.
The University of Deusto (Bilbao) first hosted this workshop, MoveSmart, in order to address the issue of renewable mobility services in smart cities.
The MyWay project is an European project of the Generalitat de Catalunya in collaboration with 13 other public and private partners, among which Nexus Geographics. To learn more about this project and the conference that took place.